How to Transform Your Basement Into a Pleasant Common Room - Xtreme Polishing Systems

How to Transform Your Basement Into a Pleasant Common Room

There are a multitude of rooms in your home, however when you're seeking a comfortable and pleasant common room you're probably not thinking about your basement as being one of those choices. Typically, the words that are associated with a basement are words like dark, gloomy or "dungeon-like", which doesn't sound very pleasant at all. These neglected spaces can completely transform with just a few simple additions and with the proper planning, guidance and resources, Xtreme Polishing Systems will assist you every step of the way in converting your basement into a satisfying living space.

Beginning The Process

As given in any type of renovation procedure, the foundation is always the first and most important concern. Your floors set the tone for any room in your house or business so preparing the surface properly is a crucial matter to consider.
PLEASE NOTE: Every basement will variate in properties, so common additions include new walls, lighting, doors, heating ducts, etc. when converting your basement, of course only if you personally feel it's necessary.

Choosing Floor Applications

Once the floor has been measured completely, it's solely up to you make the final decision for the desired look of your common room. Fortunately for you there is a myriad of floor applications, both decorative and modern, to choose from. People tend to have their own original style so don't be afraid of making mistakes, it could end up being the best mistake you ever made!
Polished Concrete - This flooring method is the most affordable, economical and modern looking solution that's available to date. It provides a simple, yet beautiful appearance and is undoubtedly the easiest to maintain. View Guide >>
Epoxy Coatings - This flooring method is a binding, adhesive floor coating that not only delivers extreme reliability, it also provides a vibrant and decorative appearance once it is applied. View Guide >>
Polyaspartic/ Polyurea/ Urethanes - This flooring method is a chemically resistant, quick drying and exceptionally tough building material. They were specifically designed to completely seal and protect the surface of your concrete floors. View Guide >>

Preparing the Concrete Surface

Once you have made the ultimate decision on the preferred look for your floor, you will need to prepare the floor for application. Each method is slightly different than the last, so your surface preparation procedures can vary depending on which application one you chose. Follow our "Concrete Floor Guides" for assistance on how each of these applications are properly executed.